The Company’s Board of Directors resolved to revise 2023 Employee Stock Option Issuance and Subscription Rules

1.Date of occurrence of the event: 2023/07/03
2.Date of the original announcement and reporting: 2023/05/08
3.Summary of the content originally announced and reported:
The Board of Directors resolved the 2023 Employee Stock Option Issuance and Subscription Rules on 2023/05/08. Please refer to the Company’s material information announcement on the same date.
4.Reason for change and its main content:
Based on the business needs, the Company amended the 2023 Employee Stock Option Issuance and Subscription Rules. The issue period has changed from one year to two years.
(i)Content prior to amendment
Article 2 Issue period:
Pursuant to the “Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Securities Issuers”, issued within one year since the date of receipt for notice of effectiveness; issued at once or in tranches
depending on actual requirements. The Chairman is authorized to determine the actual issue date.
(ii)Content after amendment
Article 2 Issue period:
Pursuant to the “Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Securities Issuers”, issued within two years since the date of receipt for notice of effectiveness; issued at once or in tranches
depending on actual requirements. The Chairman is authorized to determine the actual issue date.
5.Impact on the Company’s finance and business after the change: None
6.Any other matters that need to be specified: None