Announcement of resolution items from 2021 Annual General Meeting

1. Date of the shareholders’ meeting: July 16, 2021

2. Important resolutions I. Profit distribution/deficit compensation: Resolution on acknowledgment of the 2020 Earnings Distribution Loss Off-setting

3. Important resolutions II. Amendments of the company charter: None

4. Important resolutions III. Business report and financial statements: Resolution on acknowledgment of the 2020 Annual Final Accounting Ledgers and Statements

5. Important resolutions IV. Election for directors and supervisors: Howard S. Lee elected as the 6th Independent Director

6. Important resolutions V. Other matters:

  • Resolution on acknowledgment of the changed contents for the use of 2018 cash capital increase
  • Resolution on amendments to the Company’s “Procedure for Shareholders Meetings”
  • Resolution on amendments to the Company’s “Rules for Election of Directors”
  • Resolution on amendments to the Company’s “Rules for Transaction with Related-parties, Specified Company and Group Enterprises”
  • Resolution on amendments to the Company’s “Rules for Loaning of Funds”
  • Resolution to approve the lifting of non-competition restrictions for directors

7. Any other matters that need to be specified: None