The Company’s Board of Directors nominated Dr. Kung-Yee Liang to serve as the Chairperson of the Board

1.Date of the board of directors resolution or date of occurrence of the change:2023/12/29 2.Position (Please enter chairperson or president/general manager): Chairperson 3.Name of the previous position holder: Yun Yen …

Announcement on behalf of OBIGEN that its institutional director changes its representative

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2023/12/29 2.Name of legal person: OBI Pharma Inc. 3.Name of the previous position holder: Yun Yen 4.Resume of the previous position holder: Chairperson of the …

Announcement that the institutional director of OBI, Sheng Cheng Investment Co., Ltd., changes its representative

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2023/12/21 2.Name of legal person: Sheng Cheng Investment Co., Ltd. 3.Name of the previous position holder: Frank Chen 4.Resume of the previous position holder: Vice …

Announcement of the resignation of natural-person director

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2023/12/20 2.Elected or changed position (Please enter institutional director, institutional supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or natural-person supervisor): natural-person director 3.Title and name of the …

Announcement on behalf of OBIGEN of the resignation of its institutional director

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2023/12/20 2.Elected or changed position (Please enter institutional director, institutional supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or natural-person supervisor): institutional director 3.Title and name of the …

OBI announces termination of BCVax, OBI-866, and OBI-999

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2023/12/20 2.Company name:OBI Pharma, Inc. 3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office 4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios: NA 5.Cause of occurrence: After prudent …

Announcement of resignation of the Chairperson

1.Date of the board of directors resolution or date of occurrence of the change:2023/12/20 2.Position (Please enter chairperson or president/general manager): Chairperson 3.Name of the previous position holder: Yun Yen …

OBI licensed the worldwide therapeutic rights of OBI-858 to OBIGEN

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2023/12/20 2.Counterparty to the contract or commitment: OBIGEN Pharma, Inc. 3.Relationship with the Company: OBIGEN is a subsidiary held 52% of voting shares by the …

Investigation of the impact of Globo-H expression on the progression of gastric cancer

Announcement on behalf of subsidiary, OBIGEN, that the Company’s board appointed internal audit officer

1.Type of personnel changed (please enter: spokesperson, acting spokesperson, important personnel (CEO, COO, CMO, CSO, etc.), financial officer, accounting officer, corporate governance officer, chief information security officer, research and development …